
March 25, 2024 - V.1.0.0:

Public launch.

March 1, 2024 - V.1.0.0:

Initial release.

The version 1 of Shift UI includes the following sections:

  • [Reusable section] Map (3 pre-built layouts for mobile and desktop)
  • [Reusable section] Featured blog (4 pre-built layouts for mobile and desktop)
  • [Reusable section] Featured page/Featured pages (2 pre-built layouts and 1 prebuilt layout for mobile and desktop)
  • [Reusable section] Featured collections (5 pre-built layouts for mobile and desktop)
  • [Reusable section] Featured collection (4 pre-built layouts for mobile and desktop)
  • [Reusable section] Related products (2 pre-built layouts for mobile and desktop)
  • [Reusable section] Target dots (2 pre-built layouts for mobile and desktop)
  • [Reusable section] Icon with text (1 pre-built layout for mobile and desktop)
  • [Reusable section] Comparison slider (1 pre-built layout for mobile and desktop)
  • [Reusable section] Comparison table (1 pre-built layout for mobile and desktop)
  • [Reusable section] Background media with card (9 card alignment options available for mobile and desktop)
  • [Reusable section] Featured product (c.f. "Main product" section)
  • [Reusable section] Testimonial (2 pre-built layouts featuring 4 prebuilt testimonial cards for mobile and desktop)
  • [Reusable section] Background media (3 content alignment options available with 2 pre-built types (background video and background image) for mobile and desktop)
  • [Reusable section] Video (2 pre-built layouts for mobile and desktop)
  • [Reusable section] Newsletter form (3 pre-built layouts for mobile and desktop)
  • [Reusable section] Multicolumn/Multirow (from 1 line to 2 lines, from 1 column to 5 columns for mobile and desktop)
  • [Reusable section] Accordions (3 pre-built layouts for mobile and desktop)
  • [Reusable section] Featured press (3 pre-built layouts for mobile and desktop)
  • [Reusable section] Contact (2 pre-built layouts for mobile and desktop)
  • [Reusable section] Richtext (2 pre-built layouts for mobile and desktop)
  • [Reusable section] Side media with content (4 pre-built layouts for mobile and desktop)
  • [Reusable section] Slideshow (9 content alignment options available for mobile and desktop)
  • [Reusable section] Media banner (9 content alignment options available for mobile and desktop)
  • [Static section] Announcement bar (3 pre-built layouts for mobile and desktop)
  • [Static section] Header (6 pre-built layouts for mobile and desktop)
  • [Static section] Footer (7 pre-built layouts for mobile and desktop)
  • [Static section] Password header
  • [Static section] 404 (2 pre-built layouts for mobile and desktop)
  • [Static section] Gift card (1 pre-built layout for mobile and desktop)
  • [Static section] Main cart items (1 pre-built layout for mobile and desktop)
  • [Static section] Main cart footer (1 pre-built layout for mobile and desktop)
  • [Static section] Login (3 pre-built layouts for mobile and desktop)
  • [Static section] Register (3 pre-built layouts for mobile and desktop)
  • [Static section] Reset your password (3 pre-built layouts for mobile and desktop)
  • [Static section] Activate account (3 pre-built layouts for mobile and desktop)
  • [Static section] Main account customers order (1 pre-built layout for mobile and desktop)
  • [Static section] Main account (1 pre-built layout for mobile and desktop)
  • [Static section] Main addresses (1 pre-built layout for mobile and desktop)
  • [Static section] Main search (3 states: default, no results, results for mobile and desktop)
  • [Static section] Main collection banner (2 pre-built layouts for mobile and desktop)
  • [Static section] Main collection grid (2 states: vertical facets (only for desktop), horizontal facets for mobile and desktop)
  • [Static section] Main list collections (2 pre-built layouts for mobile and desktop)
  • [Static section] Main blog (1 pre-built layout for mobile and desktop)
  • [Static section] Main article (3 pre-built layouts for the body, 1 pre-built layout for the comment form, and 1 pre-built layout for the comments list for mobile and desktop)
  • [Static section] Main product (9 pre-built layouts for the product media, 2 pre-built types (default, gift card) for the product info, for mobile and desktop)
  • [Static section] Default page (3 pre-built layouts for mobile and desktop)

Some modals are also prebuilt using the drawer/modal/banner master component:

  • Age checker modal (2 pre-built layouts for mobile and desktop)
  • Password modal
  • Newsletter modal
  • Cookie compliance modal/banner (2 pre-built layouts for mobile and desktop)
  • Cart drawer
  • Pickup availability drawer
  • Facets drawer

Miscellaneous information:

  • Pill (default, advanced)
  • Variant picker (pills, dropdown)
  • Product thumbnails (horizontal, vertical)
  • Shop Pay installments
  • Sticky add-to-cart bar
  • Complementary products
  • Progress bar
  • Countdown timer
  • Reviews stars
  • Free shipping bar
  • Dynamic price component
  • Dynamic sliders (products, collections, testimonials)
  • Dynamic marquee
  • Tabs (3 pre-built tabs steps)
  • Accordions (2 pre-built styles for mobile and desktop)
  • Breadcrumbs (from step 1 to step 4)
  • Tooltip
  • Table
  • Cards (product card: 3 styles with hover state available + horizontal product card, collection card, article card: 2 layouts available, page card)
  • Pagination (3 types available: number links with navigation, load button, and text with navigation)
  • Facets (drawer, horizontal, vertical)
  • Divider (horizontal and vertical)
  • Shape divider (9 types: drops, arrow, curve, tilts, triangle, waves, zigzag, flame, and rock)
  • Swatch (For image and color. Includes all states: empty, filled, selected, focus, disabled.)
  • Chip
  • Badge (2 types: rectangle and square (1:1))
  • Dropdown
  • Dynamic range slider and slider
  • Megamenu
  • Checkbox (default checkbox, checkbox with number of items)
  • Radio
  • Input (default input, input type file)
  • Textarea
  • Button (5 types: primary, primary with price in it, secondary, button as link, circle button with icon)
  • Dynamic checkout button (6 types: default, Buy with Amazon Pay, Buy with Apple Pay, Buy with Google Pay, Buy with PayPal, Buy with ShopPay)
  • "Follow on Shop" button
  • Shadows (XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL)
  • Blur (none, S, M, L, XL, and XXL)
  • Icons, social icons, status icons, payment method icons, country flags
  • Grid system (for mobile and desktop)
  • Container (3 containers: small, medium, and large)
  • Spacing
  • Newspaper logos
  • Typography
  • Colors